Acquaintances of Lynette Scavo

The following are fictional characters in the American television series Desperate Housewives. They are all family members and acquaintances of Lynette Scavo, one of the protagonists of the series.


Immediate family

Tom Scavo

Preston and Porter Scavo

Preston and Porter Scavo (Brent and Shane Kinsman (Season 1-4, 5 flashback, 6 flashback), Charlie and Max Carver (season 5-Season 8) are Lynette's oldest twin sons born in year 1998. They are shown to be very rebellious, much to the distress of their parents, particularly Lynette as at this point she is a stay at home mother. Their uncontrollable nature leads to hints that they may have ADHD. The twins are often in trouble, particularly in season one, when they had a more prominent role in the show. Since the first season, their younger brother, Parker, and older half-sister, Kayla, have begun to demand more of Tom and Lynette's time and attention.

In Season 5, they have continued their mischievous ways but in forms such as under age drinking, smoking, and joyrides in their family's cars. However it appears that the twins are showing signs of growing up and following their parents rules. Porter begins to show an interest in poetry, although his parents first concern is that he is using it to attract girls. It is discovered later in the season that Porter was having an affair with his best friend's mother, Anne Schilling. She ultimately leaves town and Porter is accused of starting the fire at Warren Schilling's club, although the charges are later dropped.

In Season 6, Preston is planning to put off college and backpack in Europe for a year, whilst Porter will continue living at home to attend Fairview Community College, the same school Tom will be attending. Whilst Preston is in Europe, it is revealed that Lynette is pregnant with twins again. Upon this announcement, Porter takes on the role of lecturing parents, telling Tom that he will have to drop out of school to support his family and Lynette would have to quit work to take care of them. Preston returned in the episode "Chromolume No. 7" with a fiancee from Russia, prompting Lynette to worry that her son is being taken advantage of. Lynette eventually discovers that Irina is already married to two other men, both of whom she's stolen from and tricks the woman into confessing with Preston listening in. They break up and Lynette tells Preston she knows he's mad at her but hopes he'll forgive her eventually. In "Sorry Grateful" they babysit Paige while the rest of the family is over at Renee for Thanksgiving, but Susan is dismayed at the fact they were watching a football game instead of their sister. Seeking over there Susan managed to calm her down. When Lynette finds out she ask the guys when Susan came, but neither can answer.

After the twins wake up Lynette and bring home girls in the middle of the night, Lynette and Tom agree that it is time for them to find their own place. The boys find a house soon after and say goodbye to Tom and Lynette. However, it transpires that the twins 'new house' is just across the street with Karen McCluskey. Lynette, who has been concerned that the twins lack the necessary domestic skills to look after themselves properly is stunned to see Karen cooking and doing their laundry for them. Eager to get them out, Lynette brings them a keg of beer and suggests they have a party. Inevitably, Karen's house is trashed and she kicks the twins out. Back at the Scavo house, they say to Lynette that she has not given them the chance to practice looking after themselves, because she insists on doing everything for them. Lynette realizes her mistakes and shows the twins how to make an omelette before they move out.

Parker Scavo

Parker Scavo (Zane Huett season 1-4 + one episode in season 6, Joshua Logan Moore [1] season 5-) is the youngest son of Lynette and Tom born in year 1999. In the first season, Parker stays at home while his brothers are in school. He, just like all of Lynette's kids, drives her crazy. After his brothers stuck bubble gum in his hair, Lynette used his cancer patient-like appearance to get into a yoga class.

In season two, Parker starts school but is upset when he finds out that his mother can't go with him because of her new job and her mean boss. Thanks to his mother's absence, he grows very fond of an imaginary baby-sitter and her umbrella. He and his brothers also get chicken pox. Parker gets curious about human sexuality, asking several girls to see their vaginas, including Mrs. McCluskey. Parker proves to be the most sensitive of Lynette's three boys as he is shocked when he finds out that his mother was shot and refuses to let her out of the house.

He gets along very well with his sister, Kayla, and is most connected to Mrs. McCluskey, especially when she is victim of rumours that she killed her husband, convincing her to tell everybody the truth. In the fourth season, Parker gets to play Friar Tuck in Robin Hood, he, and his brothers and sister, witnesses that Danielle's baby was born on Halloween and sees his grandmother leave after his mother's discussion regarding Stella. He also gets buried alive in Mrs McCluskey's house during the tornado and is the second one to be pulled out of it. He then reveals to his mother that Ida Greenberg saved his life. He was disgusted to learn his parents were still having sex after they tell the family Lynette is pregnant again. In "Boom Crunch" he helped set up the for the Christmas party and later he and Tom saw the plane in the sky about to crash. In "Lovely" he and his friends are doing a peeping tom on Robin in the shower. It is later revealed that he offered money to sleep with her, which she declined. His parents later had a talk with him, with Tom reassuring Parker that he will have sex when the time is right.

Penny Scavo

Penelope "Penny" Lynne Scavo[2] (Dylan and Jordan Cline - season 1; Darien and Kerstin Pinkerton - seasons 2, 3 and 4; Kendall Applegate - season 5 and 6; Darcy Rose Byrnes - season 7) is Lynette and Tom’s daughter, born in year 2004. She has her first line in the season three episode "God, That's Good". She's the most well-behaved out of Lynette's children. Lynette wanted Penny to be Gabrielle’s flower girl at her wedding, but due to her having “zero charisma,” Gabrielle chose Victor's housekeeper’s daughter who resembled herself. She was the first to emerge from Mrs. McCluskey's wrecked house after the tornado. She learns she is going to be a big sister when Lynette becomes pregnant again in season 6. In the episode "The Chase" she celebrated her 11 birthday, but Tom and Lynette forgot it, resulting in a birthday dinner with only half the family there (Preston was in Europe and Parker was at band practice). Penny noticed that the cake had the name Polly on it, causing Lynette to say she was sorry, but pregnant women get confused sometimes. Penny then used her parents credit card to check herself in a hotel. Lynette discovered this after Penny did not come home from school and after one of Penny's friends gave her Mom a note to tell she ran away. Penny revealed to Lynette she was jealous of the new baby. Lynette told her after the boys left there would be more girls than guys and they would rule the house. In "The Thing That Counts is What's Inside", Penny takes care of Paige for little while noticing her mom is stressed out a little bit. After taking Paige to school with her (Lynette was not home) She told the principal she takes the baby monitor in her room so Lynette would catch up on her sleep.

Kayla Huntington Scavo

Kayla Scavo (née Huntington) (Rachel Fox) is the daughter of Tom Scavo and Nora Huntington, and stepdaughter of Lynette. Kayla is introduced after Lynette discovers Tom sneaking out of the house to meet a woman, later revealed to be Nora. After Lynette confronts Tom, he reveals that he has just found out that a one-night stand twelve years prior had resulted in the birth of his daughter, Kayla. Nora wants the child support money that Tom has been owing her for all these years back. Lynette finally agrees to give her a lot of money, as long as that keeps her away from their family. But Nora wants the two families to gather and spends the money on an apartment close to Wisteria Lane, so that gathering can happen. Lynette tries to include Kayla in their family, but it becomes increasingly difficult due to Nora's hostility. Kayla's true personality does not emerge until after Nora's death, which causes Kayla to move in with the Scavos full-time.

In season four, Kayla seems to be closer to Lynette and fits in perfectly with the rest of the Scavo family. Later on in the season, however, she persuades Porter and Preston to set fire to Rick Coletti's rival pizza joint. When Lynette discovers this, she takes Kayla to see a therapist. Afterwards, Kayla purposefully tricks one of the twins into jumping off the roof of the house by pretending that she had safely done so herself by using an umbrella as a parachute. Her therapist tells Lynette that she and Kayla should spend more time together, so Lynette takes her shopping. Kayla blackmails her to get what she wants in the store, and she then threatens to hurt Penny, causing Lynette to slap her. Later, Kayla calls her therapist and tells him that Lynette has repeatedly hit her many times before. These accusations bring Child Protective Services to the Scavo home. After intentionally overhearing the conversation between the Scavos and their lawyer, she hears that Lynette could jeopardize her rights of parental custody over her children, one message being procuring to stay away from physical abuse. Kayla precedes by burning herself with a curling iron, claiming Lynette did it to her, and leading to Lynette's indefinite arrest. Later that night Tom comes into Kayla's room while finishing a conversation with Andrew over the phone. Tom informs her that Lynette can no longer be around her, to which Kayla replies by asking where Lynette will live. Tom proceeds to explain that Lynette will stay in the house but Kayla will have to be moved somewhere else. Fearing she will be sent away from her father, Kayla confesses everything to Tom, from the calculated manipulation to the hatred towards Lynette. In doing so, she shows great affection for the affinity Tom and Kayla had once before. Tom tells her that she'll have to admit everything to the police. Kayla willingly accepts the offer, promising to confess but persists that Tom has to let her stay within the family household. Tom responds with grand disappointment on the atrocities conceived from Kayla's deception, leading to the hold on the Scavo's lives, leaving him with resented emotions of trust that she'll still be sent away from damaging the family bond. Kayla retaliates by threatening to continue with her lies. Tom reveals he left the phone on to Kayla's therapist, who had been listening to their private conversation the entire time. In the end Kayla is forced to move away and live with her grandparents, but Tom promises to visit her.

Creator Marc Cherry has said on that due to the five year time jump, Kayla could possibly return to the show[3]!

Paige Scavo

Paige Scavo (Emmett, Hudson and Noah Martin Greenberg, Mindy Montavon as Older Paige in 6x11[4] ) is the youngest child of Tom and Lynette. Lynette thinks her cancer has returned in "If It's Only In Your Head" and goes to the doctor to find that it's not cancer, but that she is pregnant with a second set of twins. She is surprised because she did not expect this and told Tom, who was planning on going back to college. They were worried about what would happen to them as Lynette was going back to work and Tom had been accepted into college. She left the Delfinos' wedding due to morning sickness. Lynette was confused as to what she should do, but after being told by Susan her children were gifts from God, she decided she loved her unborn babies and told her family she was pregnant again. In the season 6 episode "If...", we find out Lynette has complications with her pregnancy and one of her babies needs surgery to prevent mental and physical damage. The surgery does not go as expected, and the baby Lynette was going to name Patrick does not survive. Lynette is still pregnant with Paige, which is a girl and will become the fifth Scavo child. Tom wanted to name her Patricia, but Lynette refused, saying she wants to name her Polly after her aunt. In the 6th season finale entitled "I Guess This Is Goodbye" Lynette goes into labor with her daughter while she's held hostage by The Fairview Strangler - Eddie. In season seven the girl's name is revealed to be Paige Scavo. In the fourth episode of season 7, Penny offered to take care of her and Paige was even taken to school with Penny.

Patrick Scavo

Patrick Scavo Lynette has complications with her pregnancy and one of her babies needs surgery to prevent mental and physical damage. The surgery does not go as expected, and the baby Lynette was going to name Patrick does not survive.

Extended family

Stella Wingfield

Stella Wingfield (previously Lindquist and Kaminsky) (Polly Bergen) is Lynette's mother. She used to be an abusive mother, who frequently beat her girls. She used to get drunk and abuse drugs very often, and also bring strange men over to their house. She was almost always absent, so Lynette had to take care of her little sisters and make them go to school. Stella had breast cancer when she was younger, and while she was enduring chemotherapy, Lynette asked her if she felt like she was being punished for what she had done.

Stella first appeared on the show in the season three finale, after learning that Lynette had Hodgkin's lymphoma. She didn't want her mother to know, but Lynette needed the money for chemotherapy, so Tom asked her. Stella appeared at the Scavo's door unannounced, and told them she would be staying for as long as Lynette would have to fight cancer. Later that night, Lynette and Tom had an argument in their room. She was angry because she didn't want her formerly abusive mother looking after the Scavo kids, but Tom told her that Stella offered the money they needed for chemo. He then tells Lynette that she owes it to him to forgive her mother and live with her after what happened with Rick. Little did they know that Stella was just outside their bedroom door, listening to it all. When her daughter and son-in-law attended Gabrielle's wedding, she stayed home taking care of her grandchildren. Kayla asked her if she could watch another "grown-up" video, and Stella told her she could if she told her about a man named "Rick". When Lynette got home from the wedding, she told her mother that she was not going to need her anymore, but Stella surprised her with a conversation about Rick Coletti. She then asked her daughter if she felt like she was being punished for what she had done. She also said that Lynette could either fight the cancer or her mother, but she wouldn't have the strength to do both.

In the season four premiere, Stella and Lynette attended Parker's school play of Robin Hood. Lynette was feeling sick from the chemo, yet, when a woman named Muriel came to her and told her she needed to organize a gala, Lynette didn't refuse. Stella told her daughter that she should have said she had cancer, and that she didn't feel strong enough to perform her chores, but Lynette didn't want people to know of her condition and pity her. Later, when everyone was raising up to cheer to the play, Lynette threw up in a purse, thinking it was her mothers'. She said she would buy Stella a new purse, to which she responded that that purse wasn't hers. It belonged to Muriel. In episode three, it is revealed that Stella hates to cook, but that she does it anyway to try to feed her daughter, although Lynette doesn't want to eat. Stella then offers to give her daughter some marijuana to help overcome the pain, but she refuses to use drugs. Later, Stella makes a deal with Andrew Van de Kamp, who gives her some drugs, which she puts in some brownies she prepared. She later makes Parker pose as if he had made the brownies himself, and offers them to Lynette. She then goes to Susan's charades party under the influence of drugs. When she gets it out of her system, she gets mad at her mother, but soon forgives her. She remarries in the 7th season, but is quickly widowed leaving her with her husband's money.

In the sixth episode, the family has problems with a possum in their yard, and Lynette wants to get rid of it. The family then learns that Lynette is cured from cancer, and Stella celebrates with the daughter. The possum served as a metaphor for Lynette's illness. The next episode, Lynette tried to convince her sister Lydia to take her mother with her, and actually tricked her into doing it. So Lucy and Lydia ( her two younger sisters ) both showed up at her house delivering their mother. After a talk between the three sisters in Lynette's living room, Lucy and Lydia told her they didn't care about their mother. Lynette got disappointed at them and told them that she wouldn't forgive them, and that they shouldn't come back until Lynette stops hating them. Then, Parker comes inside the house stating that his grandmother has left. Lynette runs outside to witness her mother leaving in a cab. In episode eight, Lynette was looking for Stella, and learned that she had broken into a car and slept in it during one night. She then talks to her former stepfather, Glen. Lynette had always thought that it was her mother's fault that the couple had divorced, but Glen told her he was gay. After they find Stella in a park, the three have a conversation in Glen's house, and he agrees to let Stella stay with him, as he misses having her around.

In the fifth season it is revealed that Lynette has taken Stella to a retirement home. When Porter left home fearing retribution from Mr. Schilling, he hid with Stella. After Lynette finds out where Porter is, she visits Stella but Stella is hostile towards Lynette. Lynette leaves the home, upset at her mother's anger, and is on the phone to Tom when two vehicles in front of Lynette collide, and that gives her the idea to pretend she's in a car accident. This lures Stella and Porter to the hospital and to Stella's shock Lynette appears perfectly fine from around the corner. Lynette returns to the home to an angry Stella and explains her reasons for putting her in the home and why visiting her is not a pleasant experience. Stella reveals her fear of dying and says she stays angry because it's all she has left. Lynette agrees that if Stella changes she will visit at least twice a week and sometimes bring the children along with her.

Lydia and Lucy Lindquist

Lydia and Lucy Lindquist (Sarah Paulson and Carrie Preston) are Lynette’s younger sisters. In the episode "You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover", as Lynette tries to get her mother to leave the house, she tries to get her sisters to take her in. They categorically refuse her request, eventually telling Lynette that they do not care about their mother because of her alcoholism and the abuse they endured during their childhood. The sisters both claim that Stella was ruining their lives while living with them. Lynette, stunned that her sisters have no feelings for their mother at all, asks them to leave.

Glen Wingfield

Glen Wingfield (Richard Chamberlain) is Lynette's former stepfather, who is gay. Lynette had always considered Glen to be the only true "father figure" she ever had. After the divorce, Lynette grew up believing Glen left due to Stella's adultery. It isn't until thirty years later that Lynette learns Glen left due to his sexuality, and Stella lied because she thought she "made him gay". Much to Lynette's approval, Glen invites Stella to be his new roommate. In Season 5 (which takes place five years later), it is discovered that Glen died several years earlier.

Rodney Scavo

Rodney Scavo (Ryan O'Neal) is Lynette's father-in-law, Tom’s father, married to, and later divorced from, Tom's mother Allison. Rodney comes for a visit to see the family and Lynette walks in on him with a woman who is not his wife. His visit spurs a frank conversation between the Scavos about commitment and fidelity. Tom confided in him that he has a secret, one that Lynette doesn’t know about, revealing that he may not be the perfect husband.

Allison Scavo

Allison Scavo (Lois Smith) is Lynette mother-in-law, Tom's mother. Her husband, Rodney, left her for another woman. Allison shows up at her son's home to serve as a nanny for newborn baby Paige. Her traditional ideas about a woman's role as a homemaker and servant to the men of the household clashed with Lynette's more modern sensibilities, causing tension between the two women. She begins to exhibit forgetful behavior, which causes her to go a nursing home.

Nora Huntington

Nora Huntington (Kiersten Warren) was dancing on a cruise where she met Tom. The two ended up having a one night stand and Nora became pregnant. Ed Ferrara, Lynette's boss, hires a forensic accountant to check his employees' expenses, and finds out that Tom spent some company money on flowers and theater tickets in Atlantic City, and fired him. Tom makes up excuses, but Lynette does not believe him, so she follows him to Atlantic City in episode 2.22, "No One Is Alone", where she finds him together with Nora, assuming they're having an affair. When Tom gets back, he finds out that his family is not at home. Lynette and the kids are staying at a motel. When Porter suffers a fall and breaks his arm, they reunite and Tom tells his wife the truth: he isn't having an affair, but he and Nora had a one night stand which resulted in them having a daughter, Kayla. Tom found out about this, and when they met Nora asked for back child support which Tom owes. Lynette finally agrees to give her the money, as long as Nora stays away from their family. But Nora wants the two families together and spends the money on an apartment close to Wisteria Lane.

Kayla seems to be a very sweet girl who gets along very well with Lynette. When Tom wants to open a pizzeria, Lynette doesn't appreciate the idea, but meddling and intrusive Nora is supportive. Behind Lynette's back Nora meets Tom at a restaurant and they have dinner together. Nora makes a move on Tom but he swears he doesn't want anything more and tells her he loves his wife. Nora is very upset and leaves. Tom and Lynette had had a fight before this event, and when he comes back home, they reunite. After Tom explains what happened, Lynette breaks into Nora's house and threatens that if Nora ever comes near Tom again, she will hurt her. Nora moves to Mexico with her daughter, to work as a stripper in a dance club. Lynette tries to sue for custody of Kayla. Shopping at Field's Supermarket, she and Nora run into each other and Nora confronts her about the custody case.

Meanwhile, psychotic Carolyn Bigsby, creates a hostage situation because her husband Harvey cheated on her. During the event, Nora picks up on the fact that Carolyn is going crazy. She deliberately blurts to Carolyn that Lynette is trying to steal her kid. Carolyn picks up on this and asks Lynette—seemingly disgusted—if this is true. Lynette quickly snaps back, trying to defend herself, saying she and Nora are sharing custody; but Nora had tried to seduce her husband, therefore she was seeking full custody. Because Carolyn hates people who cheat, she says to Lynette: "She put the moves on your husband? Why didn't you say so?", and shoots Nora in the chest, shocking all the hostages in the store. Before she dies, Nora tells Lynette that Kayla is the only thing she's ever done right in her whole life and that she needs Lynette to take good care of her. Lynette promises her that she will love Kayla like she was her own daughter, and Nora closes her eyes, rests her head and dies.

Joe and Sheila Huntington

Joe and Sheila Huntington (Paul Keith and Michelle Marsh) are Nora's parents and Kayla's grandparents. Their only appearance was in the Season 4 finale when they came to take Kayla into their care, when Kayla falsely accused Lynette of child abuse.

Frank Kaminsky

Frank Kaminsky (Larry Hagman) was briefly Stella's husband during season 7. He first meets Lynette at his and Stella's retirement home, where he comes across as obnoxious, selfish and rude, prompting Lynette to disapprove of her mother's marriage to him. He is also very rich and despises his kids, which as Stella reveals is the only reason she is marrying him, as she will inherit his fortune. After he is married to Stella, he insists on being included in the Scavo's family photo, but dies while the photo is being taken. His corpse is left in the Scavo house overnight, since the fortune he has left for Stella in his will does not become valid until the next day.

Season 1 introduced acquaintances

Jordana Geist

Jordana Geist (Stacey Travis) is Lynette’s friend who has kids with ADD. She is able to juggle her incredibly busy life by taking her children's ADD medication. She tells Lynette her little secret and Lynette does the same. When Lynette runs out of pills, she asks Jordana for more, but Jordana says no because her sister is coming to visit and she needs all the energy she can get. Lynette gets mad and storms away. In season three, she is seen gossiping and participating in Travers McLain’s birthday party.

Dan Peterson

Dan Peterson (Edward Edwards) is the boss of Tom’s firm. He lied that he didn’t promote Tom because Lynette begged his wife to kill the promotion, but never wanted to promote Tom in the first place. During Tom’s final confrontation with him, Tom is openly rude to him and tells him he makes crappy decisions on a daily basis. Tom quits after that.

Janie Peterson

Janie Peterson (Elizabeth Storm) is Dan Peterson's wife. Dan tells Tom that Lynette persuaded her to get her husband to drop Tom's promotion, because she doesn't want her husband to go on even more business trips than before.


Claire (Marla Sokoloff) is a nanny who is hired by Lynette to help her take care of her kids. One night, however, she sees a baby-food stain on the robe she is wearing, so she takes it off and throws it into the wash, thus leaving herself completely naked. Unfortunately, Tom comes down and catches her as she’s trying to get back to her room and talks to her embarrassingly, then goes back up and eases his arousal by making love to Lynette. Unfortunately, Claire tells Lynette, and Lynette later makes Tom admit he has the hots for her. Eventually, Claire is let go when it is apparent that her appearance continues to be a distraction.

Annabel Foster

Annabel Foster (Melinda McGraw) is Tom’s ex-girlfriend. Lynette is extremely jealous of her and has been doing anything she can to break her up from Tom. She gets the promotion of vice president which Tom was eyeing. No relation to Melanie Foster has been revealed, except that they both lived in Chicago.

Season 2 introduced acquaintances

Ed Ferrara

Ed Ferrara (Currie Graham) is the "big boss" of "Parcher & Murphy". He first appeared in the season two premiere when he hired Lynette because he liked her. He fires the majority people at the company on "That's Good, That's Bad" due to a sexual harassment lawsuit against them. He hires Tom on "There's Something About a War". In the following episode, "Silly People", he and Tom place bets that Tom could do certain tricks, one of them being eating a donut out of the toilet. Tom became known as "Toilet Boy". Lynette tries to stop all of these games, so Ed tells her if she could eat a package of raw bacon, they'll stop. Lynette succeeds and Ed and Tom have had a business-like relationship since. But after having marital problems with his wife Fran, he asks Lynette to send instant messages to her to help him with his sex life. When Fran figures out it wasn’t Ed, she tells him to fire the person who wrote the IMs or she'll leave him. He tells her it was Tom, and fires Tom instead. In season three, Ed threatens to fire Lynette after she fakes being ill to help Tom with his pizza business at a fair.

Nina Fletcher

Nina Fletcher (Joely Fisher): Lynette’s boss at the "Parcher & Murphy" ad agency. Nina makes it clear to Lynette on her interview that she despises mothers who put their children above everything else. When Lynette brings Penny to work after Tom has a back problem, Lynette hides the baby with the receptionist. However, this does not go as planned. Lynette then brings baby Penny in and multitasks by changing a diaper and delivering a business plan at the same time. Nina’s boss is very impressed and welcomes her aboard. Nina is less welcoming and wants Lynette to be dedicated to her work and not her children. One night, Nina is caught in an affair with Stu (see below) by Lynette, who offers to keep silent about it if Nina would be a little nicer on the job. Unfortunately, Nina fires Stu, and Lynette talks to him and ends up uttering something about a lawsuit. Next time she walks in, the place is in chaos, as it is found out Stu threatened a lawsuit against the firm and they paid him off to settle, forcing people to lose their jobs, including Nina. Nina then explains to Lynette that being nice was one of many luxuries she gave up to keep the firm afloat, and told her that if she thought she wasn’t seeing her kids enough before, then she'll see them even less now.

Stu Durber

Stu Durber (Charlie Babcock) is a former receptionist at "Parcher & Murphy", who had an affair with Nina Fletcher. After Lynette found out about it, Nina fired him. Lynette then told Stu that he could go to Ed to get his job back, because Ed wouldn't want him to sue the whole company. Stu does just that. "Parcher & Murphy" is sued, and Ed fires a lot of employees, including Nina, and promotes Lynette to her position, making her his second-in-command. Before that, Lynette had asked Stu to play the role of a child kidnapper in order to teach her kids a lesson. In the episode "Back in Business" Stu now works for Bree for the marketing of her cookbook. His last name is "Durber"[5]


Jerry (Mitch Silpa) is an employee at "Parcher & Murphy". He and Ed Ferrara come to pick up Lynette to her first day coming back to work after she got shot.

Season 3 introduced acquaintances

Rick Coletti

Rick Coletti (Jason Gedrick) is hired by Lynette at Scavo Pizzeria. He used to be a chef at a four star restaurant. To deal with the stress of the job, he took cocaine, but kicked the habit. Because of his former cocaine addiction, Tom doesn't approve with Lynette's decision to hire him. As Lynette's marriage starts to shake, she and Rick get closer. After Lynette and Rick are locked in a freezer as a result of the pizzeria being robbed, the two cuddle close together for warmth and go to sleep. Tom confronts Rick after seeing a surveillance tape, in which Lynette and Rick were having dinner before the pizzeria was robbed. Tom makes a speech about how although his marriage to Lynette is shaky, it is rock solid and Rick would never break it up. Tom asks Rick to quit, and he says he won't leave unless Lynette fires him, because "she doesn't want him gone". Rick and Lynette are alone in the restaurant and Rick talks about his lunch with Tom (when the confrontation took place). He said he had feelings for her. He told her it was obvious she has feelings for him. This enrages Lynette and she fires him, pretending it didn't affect her. After finding out Tom was returning to work, Lynette sobs in her bathroom, distraught over the loss of Rick. He returns in season four, informing Lynette and Tom that he is opening a restaurant around the corner from Scavo's. It is shown that Rick still has feelings for Lynette. The restaurant steals customers from the Pizzeria until it burns down. Lynette believes Tom set the fire until Porter and Preston reveal that they set it themselves due to a fear of Rick separating their parents.

Season 5 introduced acquaintances

Anne Schilling

Anne Schilling (Gail O'Grady) is the mother of Porter's schoolmate and best friend, Kirby. She is introduced as a real estate agent who sold a rehearsal space for Tom Scavo's garage band, and she, alongside Tom, was caught by his wife Lynette, who became suspicious. One night, Kirby Schilling is over at the Scavos' house, and supposedly Porter will spend the night at his place. Kirby tells Lynette his mom stopped by the rehearsal space to bring Tom some furniture, and Lynette heads there as her suspicions grow further, and she realizes that there's nothing wrong, her husband isn't two-timing her. But Tom notices a condom wrapper on the floor, and later that night returns to the rehearsal space where he learns Porter was there having sex with some girl. Tom tells his son the girl has got to go, and without him knowing Porter's lover is Anne Schilling. Anne leaves, unknown to the fact that Lynette was watching her go. Lynette, having followed Tom, believes he is having an affair, but then Tom tells her he caught Porter with some girl in the rehearsal space and Lynette puts two and two together, realizing her son is having an affair with his best friend's mother. The Scavos want their son to break it off, but Porter claims to be in love with Anne. The next day, during a school meeting, Lynette beats up and threatens Anne in a bathroom, and Anne later tells Porter she is pregnant. Preston tells this to Lynette, who goes to see Anne and talk to her, not knowing Anne's abusive husband Warren was listening in on the conversation. Warren is infuriated, although he looks calm, and asks Lynette to let him have a private conversation with his wife. Lynette goes, although Anne quietly begged her not to, but she returns, feeling guilty, and witnesses Warren kicking Anne, who's lying on the floor. Lynette saves her, and she is hospitalized. Porter threatens to kill Warren at his club, and after it was set on fire by Dave Williams, Lynette gives Anne some cash in order for her to go away and never contact Porter again, and Anne reveals she was never pregnant before she goes.

Warren Schilling

Warren Schilling (Peter Onorati) was Anne's husband. When he discovers that Anne is having an affair with Porter, he beats her until he is stopped by Lynette. Warren owns a club, called "The Waterhorse", which is burned down by Dave Williams after killing Dr. Heller. Warren thinks that is was Porter who burned down the club, after a fight they had when Porter knew that Warren beat Anne. Later in the season, Warren threatens Porter, so the boy goes into hiding. He isn't seen after this, even when it is discovered that it was not Porter who was responsible, and it was the mentally unstable Dave Williams who burned down the club.

Season 6 introduced acquaintances

Irina Korsakov

Irina Korsakov (ru.Иpинa Коpсaкoв) (Helena Mattsson) was the Russian fiancée of Preston Scavo and the fourth known victim of the Fairview Strangler. She is introduced to the Scavo family when Preston returns to Wisteria Lane after backpacking in Europe. The family, particularly Lynette, is shocked to learn that Preston has fallen in love with Irina and soon proposes to her. Irina and Lynette clash immediately, with Lynette growing more and more suspicious of Irina's true intentions with Preston. It quickly becomes obvious that Irina is a gold digger when Lynette secretly replaces a valuable family heirloom engagement band with a worthless replica and Irina no longer wishes to wear it. Lynette tries to warn her son but is unsuccessful. Her disapproval soon leads to Irina persuading Preston into putting his college education on hold, accepting a job as a "gutter" at a meat factory, and seeking a small apartment. Even worse, Irina asks Preston to push their wedding date up to the following week rather than in several months. As the conflict between Lynette and Irina grows, Preston becomes increasingly defensive. Determined to keep her son in her life and out of Irina's, Lynette is soon able to retrieve some background information on Irina after secretly learning her passport information. With only an hour remaining before Preston is to marry Irina, she is confronted by Lynette about her many marriages around the globe that have all ended with Irina cleaning out their bank account and abandoning her husbands. First to a Russian man, Aleksey and then to an unnamed man in Italy. Irina appears surprised that her past was uncovered, but tells Lynette that no amount of evidence would turn Preston away from her, arrogantly proclaiming that she has him wrapped around her finger. Unfortunately for Irina, Preston was standing in the doorway and hears everything. Irina is kicked out of the Scavo home and is left to her own devices. As she begins walking down Wisteria Lane, Eddie, a friend of Preston's, pulls up next to her in his car and offers her a ride. Soon into the car ride, Eddie makes several failed advances at Irina. She coldly tells him he has no chance and she is out of his league. This greatly upsets Eddie, who stops the car and strangles Irina to death, thus revealing himself as the infamous Fairview Strangler (who also attacked Julie Mayer). Irina is last shown lying dead in the woods as Eddie digs a grave for her body. In "The Ballad of Booth", the police pay a visit to the Scavo home, informing Lynette and Tom that Irina's body was discovered in the woods and wish to question Preston about her death, suspecting that he might be the Fairview Strangler. During his interrogation, Preston is cleared of suspicion when it is proven that he had been in Europe at the time of the other murders. In this episode, Irina's last name is revealed to be Korsakov.


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Desperate Housewives, Episode 5x03: Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else
  3. ^ Ask Desperate Housewives: Part 12, YouTube, May 17, 2009
  4. ^ Montavon, Mindy. "Production Stills". Retrieved 7 August 2011. 
  5. ^ Season 5 episode 4

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